
Worried about hair loss? Listen, I’m a hair fall sufferer myself and have experience in preventing it. Our daily diet has a significant impact on hair loss. Here, I will discuss some foods based on my knowledge, experience, and research that help stop hair loss and how they work. Then I’ll share which foods I believe have had the most impact on stopping my hair loss.

According to the American National Library of Medicine, only riboflavin (B2), biotin, folate, and vitamin B12 deficiencies are associated with hair loss.

According to The Independent Pharmacy in the UK, 10 vitamin deficiencies are often implicated as triggers for hair loss. These vitamins are essential for the health of your hair:

  1. Vitamin D  
  2. Vitamin A  
  3. Vitamin E  
  4. Vitamin C  
  5. Folic Acid  
  6. Biotin  
  7. Zinc  
  8. Vitamin B6  
  9. Iron  
  10. Essential Fatty Acids


Now, let’s discuss the foods that contain these vital nutrients.


1. Eggs

Eggs are known as a mine of protein. They contain biotin and vitamin B12, which strengthen hair and help prevent hair loss. Egg yolk is also rich in B vitamins and vitamin D, along with riboflavin (B2). Riboflavin and B vitamins are essential for hair, while vitamin D protects hair from dryness, thinning, and breakage. So, eggs are an important food to prevent hair loss.


2. Dairy Products (Low-Fat)  

A cup of milk provides about one-third of your daily riboflavin (B2) needs. Additionally, dairy products like yogurt and cheese contain vitamin D, B-12, iron, calcium, fatty acids, and protein. These nutrients are highly effective in maintaining good hair health and preventing hair loss. However, high consumption of high-fat dairy products increases DHT levels in the blood. Which can cause hair loss.


3. Fatty Fish Like Salmon

Fatty fish like salmon are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, selenium, vitamin D3, and B vitamins. All of which promote strong and healthy hair. Omega-3 provides essential proteins and nutrients to hair follicles and skin. Prevents hair follicle inflammation, and promotes circulation to the scalp. Other fatty fish include tuna, anchovies, herring, mackerel, black cod, sardines, and whitefish. However, eating too much high-mercury fish such as swordfish, mackerel, and tuna can cause hair loss. These should be consumed in moderation.


4. Red Meat and Poultry 

Red meats such as beef, and mutton are high in protein and iron. All poultry chicken is also high in protein and iron. It makes hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen to hair follicles. As a result, hair health is improved, and hair loss is prevented.


5. Organ Meats (Kidneys and Livers)

Beef liver provides iron, zinc, and selenium—minerals involved in regulating the hair growth cycle. B vitamins in beef liver and kidney can boost metabolism. Additionally, the vitamin A in the liver provides important nutrients to hair follicles.


6. Sweet Potatoes  

Sweet potatoes are delicious and one of the best plant sources of biotin. This root vegetable is full of minerals, fiber, beta-carotene, and vitamin A. Each of these elements is very important for hair health. Sweet potatoes are a magical food that prevents hair loss.


7. Spinach 

Spinach is an essential food to prevent hair fall. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, folic acid, phosphorus, vitamins A, and C, all of which are essential for hair growth. It improves oxygen supply to different body parts, including hair cells, and fights against pattern baldness. If you want to prevent hair loss naturally, spinach should be your food-friend. Additionally, dark leafy greens are also highly beneficial for hair health.


8. Carrots 

Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is very effective not only for the eyes but also for maintaining good hair health and preventing hair fall. They keep the scalp healthy, nourishing and moisturizing the hair from root to tip, preventing hair loss.


9. Broccoli

Whether eaten raw, boiled, or roasted, broccoli is one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables. It is rich in fiber, calcium, vitamins A and C. It is also a good source of biotin. It accelerates DHT degradation, thereby preventing hair loss.


10. Beans 

Beans are one of the richest plant-based sources of protein. They are rich in zinc, iron, biotin, and folate. Beans support hair growth and reduce hair loss by repairing hair structure.


11. Green Chilies  

Green chilies are an excellent source of vitamin C and natural silicon. They increase blood circulation throughout the scalp and hair roots. Acting as a natural hair growth stimulant and preventing hair loss.


12. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a nutrient-rich fungus that offers several health benefits, including a lot of biotin. The high amount of biotin protects the hair from parasites and other threats while promoting growth.


13. Nutritious Nuts Like Almonds

Almonds are delicious, readily available, and contain various nutrients important for hair growth. Almonds, walnuts, coconuts, and pistachios provide vitamin E, vitamin B, zinc, and essential fatty acids. These are good sources of biotin also. Eating almonds strengthens hair strands, nourishes follicles, reduces hair fall and prevents breakage. However, Brazil nuts contain high levels of selenium, so consuming too much can lead to hair loss.

14. Seeds  

Seeds are relatively low in calories and rich in nutrients, making them effective for preventing hair loss. They contain vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamins E and B. Flaxseed and chia seeds provide omega-3 fatty acids. We already know how effective these nutrients are in preventing hair loss.


15. Bananas

Bananas are the most popular fruit in the world. They also contain carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, potassium, copper, and a small amount of biotin. Potassium helps improve blood circulation and supplies essential nutrients to hair follicles. Bananas promote healthy hair growth in several ways and help to prevent hair loss.


16. Avocado

Avocado is a delicious fruit rich in healthy fats and vitamin E. Vitamin E protects various parts of our skin, such as the scalp, from oxidative stress and damage. It promotes hair growth as well as hair strength. Avocados are also rich in folate and biotin.


17. Strawberries

Strawberries are a delicious fruit rich in vitamin C. It is powerful antioxidants that play an important role in collagen production. Which strengthens hair follicles, promotes growth, and reduces hair loss. It is also rich in ellagic acid and natural silica, which prevent hair thinning and breakage.


18. Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in vitamins C, A, and polyphenols. It helps fight scalp inflammation, prevent hair loss, and stimulate hair growth.


19. Kiwi

While all citrus fruits contain vitamin C but kiwi is a particularly rich source. Its vitamin C helps your body absorb iron, promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss. Kiwi seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids.


20. Oysters

Oysters are a very good source of zinc. It is a mineral that supports the hair growth and repair cycle. Oysters also provide other nutrients important for hair health, including B12 and selenium.


21. Yeast

Both nutritional yeast and brewer’s yeast provide biotin. Inactive brewer’s yeast is rich in vitamin B, which supports keratin synthesis. It stimulates hair growth and strengthens nails. Thereby preventing premature aging and hair loss.


22. Whole Grains Like Oats 

Whole grains like oats, barley, and brown rice are good sources of biotin, iron, zinc, and B vitamins. These nutrients help maintain the normal hair growth cycle, thereby preventing hair loss.


The right foods can play an effective role in preventing hair loss. However, many factors can cause hair loss, including aging, genetics, hormones, complex diseases, and their treatments. However, a lack of essential hair nutrients is considered the main cause of hair loss in most people. Which can be addressed through regular and planned nutritious meals.

Due to inadequate nutrition and some bad lifestyle habits, I experienced hair loss and was at risk of going bald. I began regularly consuming milk, eggs, the mentioned fish, meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fruits as advised by my dietitian. I believe this routine has been effective in stopping my hair fall and promoting new hair growth. Seek the help of a dietitian to develop the best nutritional intake routine for hair health.

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