Hair Care Bad Habits That Cause Hair Loss

Hair is one of the symbols of our external beauty. We all want to have beautiful hair. We regularly take care of our hair in different ways to achieve or maintain its beauty. However, some bad hair care habits can lead to hair loss. These bad habits or wrong practices are causing permanent damage to our hair. Many people are now realizing this and want to know, can hair care cause hair fall?
The answer is “yes.” Some bad habits or wrong practices in hair care can cause hair loss. So, we should first identify the bad habits that are damaging our hair.
Hair Care Bad Habits or Wrong Practices
1. Washing Hair with Hot Water
In winter, we often use hot water for bathing. But remember, you should never wash your hair with hot water. It damages the hair follicles and completely removes the hair’s natural oils. As a result, the hair becomes weak, discolored, and falls out. Wash your hair with cold water because it helps to seal the hair’s natural oils.
2. Incorrect Use of Shampoo
We often apply shampoo to dry hair or before wetting the hair. After shampooing, some try to clean their hair by scrubbing very aggressively. In the case of long hair, some try to apply shampoo by twisting it randomly. These wrong habits in shampooing cause a lot of damage to hair follicles and strands. These lead to traction alopecia and hair loss.
Apply shampoo to the scalp and massage gently with your fingertips; there’s no need to scrub the hair. For long hair, when you rinse out the shampoo, let it run through the length of your hair.
3. Not Using Conditioner After Shampooing
Many people avoid using conditioner after shampooing because they believe it’s harmful to hair. However, our hair needs some oil to stay moisturized and shiny, which comes from the scalp. When we wash our hair with shampoo, that essential oil is also washed away. The job of the conditioner is to restore those essential oils to the hair. So, apply conditioner after every shampoo. Conditioners help prevent hair damage and reduce hair loss.
4. Rubbing Wet Hair
Many of us tend to rub our hair vigorously with a towel after showering, which damages the hair. Instead, gently squeeze out the water with a soft microfiber towel. Wrap long hair in a towel to absorb water, then air dry.
5. Combing Wet Hair
Combing wet hair damages the follicles and causes hair fall. When the hair is wet, the roots are very soft. So the pull of the comb can sometimes cause the hair to fall out. After the hair is slightly dry, it should be combed with a wide-tooth comb. However, if your hair is textured or has tight curls, it’s best to comb through with a wide-tooth comb while slightly damp.
6. Going to Bed with Wet Hair
Wet hair roots are soft and weakest. Going to bed with wet hair risks breaking the strands from the friction of the hair on the pillow. Especially when you toss and turn. So if you shower or wash your hair before going to bed, do not go to bed until it is dry.
7. Using a Blow Dryer, Hot Comb, or Curling Iron
Applying hot air or heat to the hair weakens its strands, making the hair brittle and causing hair loss. It is best to air dry your hair and avoid heat styling. However, if a blow dryer or curling iron must be used, it should be on the lowest heat setting and for as little time as possible. Frequent use of these tools should be avoided.
8. Tight Hairstyles
If the hair is often tightly bound, such as in tight locks or braids, that tension can cause hair loss. Hair falls out from where the tension is too much, which is known as traction alopecia. To prevent this, tie the hair loosely.
9. Not Trimming Your Hair Regularly
If you don’t trim your hair regularly, the ends can split. Split ends are very weak and break easily, leading to hair loss. To maintain good hair health, trim your hair regularly to keep it beautiful and tidy. The exact frequency of trims depends on your hair texture, length, and overall condition.
10. Using Hair Products Containing Harmful Chemicals and Alcohol
Alcohol content in hair products is the root cause of many hair problems. It can cause hair breakage. Products like bleach and dyes strip hair strands of essential oils and nutrients from the scalp. Also, shampoos containing parabens and sulfates can strip the hair of its vitality and natural moisturizers.
Therefore, before using hair products, it is important to ensure they are of good quality and do not contain any harmful ingredients. It is better to use organic products with beneficial natural ingredients.