Does nicotine cause hair loss?


When it comes to hair loss, many factors are at play, from genetics to illness, medication, diet, and lifestyle habits. Because there are many factors involved in hair fall. Almost all smokers, including those who suffer from hair loss, want to know: Is nicotine the cause of hair loss? The answer is ”yes”. Nicotine is […]

Lack of Which Vitamins Cause Hair Loss?


Lack of Vitamin is the biggest cause of hair loss. In fact, many vitamin deficiencies are linked to hair loss. So to prevent hair loss due to vitamin deficiency, we need to know Lack of which vitamins cause hair loss. And how to address these deficiencies naturally. According to the American National Library of Medicine, […]

Hair Care Bad Habits That Cause Hair Loss


Hair is one of the symbols of our external beauty. We all want to have beautiful hair. We regularly take care of our hair in different ways to achieve or maintain its beauty. However, some bad hair care habits can lead to hair loss. These bad habits or wrong practices are causing permanent damage to […]

How Much Hair Loss is Normal in a Day?


Every normal human being experiences some hair loss every day. We often notice hair falling while shampooing in the shower. Afterward, hair might be seen in the shower drain. Hair loss is also noticeable when toweling off or combing. Many people find hair on their pillow after waking up. Seeing hair loss in so many […]

Can Lifestyle Cause Hair Loss?


Hair loss is a problem for all of us. Many of us may know the major causes of hair loss. But what we may not realize is that our bad lifestyle habits can also contribute to it. A healthy lifestyle will give you a healthy life, while a bad lifestyle will definitely put you at […]

What foods cause hair loss?


Hair fall is an unpleasant chapter in our lives that almost all of us face. Food is the most important factor for both hair health and overall well-being. The vitamins and nutrients our hair needs come from what we eat. However, certain foods provide harmful substances to the hair. Some foods prevent or spoil hair […]

What are the main causes of hair loss?


If there is a hair fall, can we call him a hair loss problem? No, Before understanding the main cause of hair loss, we need to know what is hair loss. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), a healthy human head has an average of 100,000 hairs, and an average of 50-100 hairs […]